Curriculum vitae - Dietrich Lothar Meyer german version |
Dietrich Lothar Meyer was born on December 22nd 1947 in Lübeck. He was married to the dermatologist Dr. med. Sabine Meyer-Hamme. There are two daughters: Gesa, born in 1982, and Cora born in 1980. |
Education: 1966-69 Medicine and physics in Göttingen. 1969-70 Neuroscience and oceanography in La Jolla/Calif. (UCSD -Scripps Institution of Oceanography). 1971-73 Medicine and zoology in Göttingen. |
1973 Göttingen- PhD in medicine (Dissertation on „Perception of Metrics and Rhythm in Normals and Schizophrenics. A Polygraph Examination". (Thesis advisor: Prof. Dr. med. J. E Meyer). |
1973-74 Research assistant in the Neurobiology Laboratory of the Psychiatric University Hospital in Göttingen (SFB 33; Prof. K.-P. Schaefer). |
1974-76 Research fellowship awarded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - DFG) for post-doctoral work with Prof. T. H. Bullock, Department of Neuroscience, UCSD, La Jolla, Calif. |
1976-83 Research Assistant/Chief Research Assistant with the Institute for Histology and Neuroanatomy (Zentrum Anatomie, Profs. Glees and Wolff) in Göttingen. |
1978 Habilitation in 'Neurophysiology'. |
1981 Appointed associate professor without tenure. |
1983 Appointed full professor with tenure and director of the division 'Neuroanatomy' of the Center Anatomy of the University of Göttingen. |
Honors: 1969 Fellowship (one year) of the University of Göttingen to study at the University of California. 1978 Appointed 'research associate', Dept. of Neuroscience, UCSD, La Jolla, Calif. 1978-1990 Coordinator of the DFG-SPP 'Ontogeny of Behavior'. 1983 Appointed 'adjunct professor' of the Catholic University, Ponce, Puerto Rico. 1992 Appointed 'research associate', Institute of Marine Sciences, Univ. of Alaska. |
Research support: DFG, BMBF, DAAD-Procope, DAAD-Vigoni |
Referee for: DFG, NIH, NSF, Ministry of Science Sachsen-Anhalt, J. Comp. Neurol., NeuroReport, Cell. Tissue Res., Neurosci. Lett., Brain Res., J. Brain Res.. |
Former collaborators with noticeable academic careers: C.S. von Bartheld, (Dissertation + 3 Jahre wiss. Ass.), full professor, Dept. of Biophysics and Physiology, Univ. of Wash., Seattle; S. Bargava, (1 year postdoc), professor, Dept. of Zoology, Bophal, India; S.O.E. Ebbesson (1 year Humboldt fellow), Director of WAMI Programs (i.e., joint Washington, Idaho, Minn. and Alaska Program of medical schooling) + full professor, Dept. of Anatomy, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks; E. Fiebig, (doctoral thesis + 2 years research associate), full professor, Dept. of Pathology, UCSF, San Francisco; J. Fuchs, (doctoral thesis + 6 months research associate), associate professor , Dept. of Neurosciences, Univ. of Texas, Dallas; W. Graf, (3.5 years research associate), Directeur de Recherche, Laboratoire des Physiologie Sensorielle, CNRS, Paris; A.G. Jadhao, (1.5 years Humboldt fellow + 1.5 years research associate), professor, Dept. of Zoology, Nagpur, India; E. Knudsen, (doctoral thesis), full professor, Dept. of Neurobiology, Stanford University, Palo Alto; L. Veenman, (5 years research associate), research assistant professor, Dept. Anatomy and Neurobiology, Univ. Tennessee, Memphis; M. Wullimann, (3 years fellowship Swiss National Fund + 8 months research associate), acting chairman of zoology, University of Bremen |