Publications of Dietrich L. Meyer and his collaborators
Meyer, D.L., D. Schott and K.-P. Schaefer:
Reizversuche im Tectum opticum freischwimmender Kabeljaue bzw. Dorsche (Gadus morrhua L.)
Pflügers Arch. 314, 240-252, 1970
Meyer, D.L. and H.O. Schwassmann:
Electrophysiological method for determination of refractive state in fish eyes.
Vision Res. 10, 1301-1303, 1970
Schaefer, K.-P., D.L. Meyer and D. Schott:
Optic and vestibular influences on ear movements.
Brain Behav. Evol. 4, 323-333, 1971
Meyer, D.L., K.-P. Schaefer and A. Winkelmann:
Interaction of acoustic and vestibular afferent activity observed in ear muscles.
Z. Neurol. 200, 213-218, 1971
Schwassmann, H.O. and D.L. Meyer:
Refractive state and accommodation in the eye of three species of Paralabrax (Serranidae, pisces)
Vidensk. Meddr. dansk. naturh. Foren 134, 103-108, 1971
Meyer, D.L., K.-P. Schaefer and A. Winkelmann:
Single unit responses of rabbit ear-muscles to postural and accelerative stimulation.
Exp. Brain Res. 14, 118-126, 1972
Meyer, D.L., S. Meyer-Hamme and K.-P. Schaefer:
Electrophysiological investigation of refractive state and accommodation in the rabbit´s eye.
Pflügers Arch. 332, 80-86, 1972
Schaefer, K.-P. and D.L. Meyer:
Compensatory mechanisms following labyrinthine lesions in the guinea-pig. A simple model of learning.
In: H.P. Zippel, Ed. Memory and transfer of information, 203-232. New York - London; Plenum Press, 1973
Meyer, D.L., D. Bonnemann and K.-P. Schaefer:
Equalization of asymmetries of tonus in the optomotor system of rabbits. A study on oculomotor neurons.
Exp. Brain Res. 18, 505-511, 1973
Meyer, D.L.:
Tectum opticum und Orientierungsreaktion.
Biologie in unserer Zeit 4, 107-112. 1974
Schaefer, K.-P. and D.L. Meyer:
Compensation of vestibular lesions.
In: H.H. Kornhuber, ed. Handb. Sens. Physiol. VI/2, 463-490, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer, 1974
Schaefer, K.-P., D.L. Meyer, U. Büttner and D. Schott:
The effect of head position on oculomotor discharge patterns in rabbits.
In: G. Lennerstrand and P. Bach-Y-Rita, eds. Basic mechanisms of ocular motility and their clinical implications, 457-459, Pergamon Press Oxford and New York, 1975
Schaefer, K.-P., D. Schott and D.L. Meyer:
On the organization of neuronal circuits involved in the generation of the orientation response (Visual Graspreflex).
Fortschr. Zool. 23, 199-212. 1975
Meyer, D.L., W. Heiligenberg and T.H. Bullock:
The ventral substrate response. A new postural control mechanism in fishes.
J. Comp. Physiol. 109, 59-68, 1976
Meyer, D.L., C. Platt and H.-J. Distel:
Postural control mechanisms in the upside-down catfish (Synodontis nigriventris).
J. Comp. Physiol. 110, 323-331, 1976
Eaton, R.C., R.A. Bombardieri and D.L. Meyer:
The Mauthner-initiated startle response in teleost fish.
J. Exp. Biol. 66, 65-81, 1977
Meyer, D.L., R. Becker and W. Graf:
The ventral substrate response of fishes. Comparative investigation of the VSR about the roll and the pitch axis.
J. Comp. Physiol. 117, 209-217, 1977
Meyer, D.L. and H. Bullock:
The hypothesis of sense-organ-dependent tonus mechanisms.
Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 290, 3-17, 1977
Schaefer, K.-P., G. Wilhelms and D.L. Meyer:
Der Einfluss von Alkohol auf die zentralnervösen Ausgleichsvorgänge nach Labyrinthausschaltung.
Z Rechtsmed. 81, 249-260, 1978
Graf, W. and D.L. Meyer:
Eye positions in fishes suggest different modes of interaction between commands and reflexes.
J. Comp. Physiol. 128, 241-250, 1978
Meyer, D.L., W. Graf and U. von Seydlitz-Kurzbach:
The role of integrators in maintaining actively assumed abnormal postures. A study of postural mechanisms in geckos.
J. Comp. Physiol. 131, 235-246, 1979
Bullock, T.H., N. Fernandez-Souza, W. Graf, W. Heiligenberg, G. Langner, D.L. Meyer, F. Pimentel-Soua, H. Scheich and T.A. Viancour:
Aspectos do uso da descarga do orgao elétrico e elétrorrepçao nos Gymnotoidei e outros peixes amazônicos. - (Aspects of the use of electric organ discharge and electroreception in Amazonian Gymnotoidei and other fishes). Acta Amazônica 9, 549-572, 1979
Schaefer, K.-P., D.L. Meyer and H. Zierau:
Neural activity pattern in different brain stem structures during eye-head movements. In: Reflex control of posture and movement; Progr. in Brain Res. 50; eds. R. Granit and O. Pompeiano, Elsevier 805-812, 1979
Schaefer, K.-P., D.L. Meyer and G. Wilhelms:
Somatosensory and cerebellar influences on compensation of labyrinthine lesions. In: Reflex Control of Posture and Movement; Progr. in Brain Res. 50; eds. R. Granit and O. Pompeiano, Elsevier 591-598, 1979
Ebbesson, S.O.E. and D.L. Meyer:
The visual system of the guitar fish (Rhinobatus productus)
Cell Tissue Res. 206, 243-250, 1980
Meyer, D.L., U. von Seydlitz-Kurzbach and E. Fiebig:
Bilaterally asymmetrical uptake of [14C] 2-Deoxyglucose by the octavo-lateralis complexes in flatfish.
Cell Tissue Res. 214, 659-662, 1981
Schaefer, K.-P. and D.L. Meyer:
Aspects of vestibular compensation in guinea pigs. In: Lesion-Induced Neuronal Plasticity in Sensorimotor Systems.Eds: H. Flohr and W. Precht,
Springer, Heidelberg, 197-207, 1981
Ebbesson, S.O.E., D.L. Meyer and H. Scheich:
Connections of the olfactory bulb in the piranha (Serrasalmus nattereri).
Cell Tissue Res. 216, 167-180, 1981
Meyer, D.L. and S.O.E. Ebbesson:
Retinofugal and retinopetal connections in the upside-down catfish (Synodontis nigriventris)
Cell Tissue Res. 218, 389-401, 1981
Meyer, D.L., E. Fiebig and S.O.E. Ebbesson:
A note on the reciprocal connections between the retina and the brain in the puffer fish (Tetraodon fluviatilis)
Neurosci. Lett. 23, 111-115, 1981
Ebbesson, S.O.E. and D.L. Meyer:
Efferents to the retina have multiple sources in teleost fish.
Science 214, 924-926, 1981
Gerwerzhagen, K., M.J. Rickmann, D.L. Meyer and S.O.E. Ebbesson:
Optic tract cells projecting to the retina in the teleost, Pantodon buchholzi.
Cell Tissue Res. 225, 23-28, 1982
Graf, W. and D.L.Meyer:
Central mechanisms counteract visually induced tonus asymmetries. A study of ocular responses to unilateral illumination in goldfish.
J. Comp. Physiol. 150, 473-481, 1983
Meyer, D.L., K. Gerwerzhagen, E. Fiebig, F. Ahlswede and S.O.E. Ebbesson:
An isthmo-optic system in a bony fish.
Cell Tissue Res. 231, 129-133, 1983
Fiebig, E., S.O.E. Ebbesson and D.L. Meyer:
Afferent connections of the optic tectum in the piranha (Serrasalmus nattereri).
Cell Tissue Res. 231, 55-72, 1983
von Bartheld, C.S., D.L. Meyer, E. Fiebig and S.O.E. Ebbesson:
Central connections of the olfactory bulb in the goldfish, Carassius auratus.
Cell Tissue Res. 238, 475-487, 1984
Fiebig, E. , D.L. Meyer and S.O.E. Ebbesson:
Eye movements evoked from telencephalic stimulations in the piranha (Serrasalmus nattereri).
Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 81A, 67-70, 1985
von Bartheld, C.S. and D.L. Meyer:
Trigeminal and facial innervation of cirri in three teleost species.
Cell Tissue Res. 241, 615-622, 1985
von Bartheld, C.S. and D.L. Meyer:
Tracing of single fibers of the nervus terminalis in the goldfish brain.
Cell Tissue Res. 245, 143-158, 1986
von Bartheld, C.S. and D.L. Meyer:
Central projections of the nervus terminalis in the bichir, Polypterus palmas.
Cell Tissue Res. 244, 181-186, 1986
von Bartheld, C.S. and D.L. Meyer:
Central connections of the olfactory bulb in the bichir, Polypterus palmas, reexamined.
Cell Tissue Res. 244, 527-535, 1986
von Bartheld, C.S., M.J. Rickmann and D.L. Meyer:
A light- and electron-microscopic study of mesencephalic neurons projecting to the ganglion of the nervus terminalis in the goldfish.
Cell Tissue Res., 246, 63-70, 1986
von Bartheld, C.S., H.W. Lindörfer and D.L.Meyer:
The nervus terminalis also exists in cyclostomes and birds.
Cell Tissue Res. 250, 431-434, 1987
Meyer, D.L., C.S. von Bartheld and H.W. Lindörfer:
Evidence for the existence of a terminal nerve in lampreys and in birds.
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 519, 385-391, 1987
von Bartheld, C.S. and D.L. Meyer:
Comparative neurology of the optic tectum in ray-finned fishes: patterns of lamination formed by retinotectal projections.
Brain Res. 420, 277-288, 1987
Schaefer, K.-P. and D.L. Meyer:
Vestibular compensation aspects of time course and de-compensation.
In: Flohr, H. (ed.) Post-Lesion Neural Plasticity, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg 1988, 313- 320
Zippel, H.P., D.L. Meyer and M. Knaust:
Peripheral and central post-lesion plasticity in the olfactory system of the goldfish: behavior and morphology.
In: Flohr, H. (ed.) Post-Lesion Neural Plasticity, Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, 1988, 577-591
Weiss, O. and D.L. Meyer:
Odor stimuli modulate retinal excitability in fish.
Neurosci. Lett. 93, 209-213, 1988
von Bartheld, C.S., B. Claas, H. Münz and D.L. Meyer:
Primary olfactory projections and the nervus terminalis in the African lungfish: implications for the phylogeny of cranial nerves.
Amer. J. Anat. 182, 325-334, 1988
von Bartheld, C.S. and D.L. Meyer:
Central projections of the nervus terminalis in lampreys, lungfishes and bichirs.
Brain Behav. Evol. 32, 151-159, 1988
Zippel, H.P. and D.L. Meyer:
Behavioral recovery and morphological alterations after lesions in the olfactory system in the goldfish (Carassius auratus).
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 510, 739-741, 1988
von Bartheld, C.S. and D.L. Meyer:
Retinofugal and retinopetal projections in the teleost Channa micropeltes (Channiformes).
Cell Tissue Res. 251, 651-663, 1988
Meyer, D.L., C.R. Malz and S.O.E. Ebbesson:
Retino-petal neurons in the diencephalon of juvenile Lobotes surinomensis (teleostei).
Neurosci. Lett. 51, 51-54, 1989
Hofmann, M.H. and D.L.Meyer:
Central projections of the nervus terminalis in four species of amphibians.
Brain Behav. Evol. 34, 301-307, 1989
Michler, A. and D.L. Meyer:
Contact-guidance of neurite growth: a direct or an indirect effect of physical environment?
J. Hirnforsch. 30, 473-477, 1989
Malz, C.R., S. Pritz and D.L. Meyer:
Isthmo-optic connections in congenitally monophthalmic chicks.
Cell Tissue Res. 257, 649 -652, 1989
Ebbesson, S.O.E. and D.L. Meyer:
Retinopetal cells exist in the optic tectum of steelhead trout.
Neurosci. Lett. 106, 95-98, 1989
Hofmann, M.H., A. Michler and D.L. Meyer:
Thyroxine influences neuronal connectivity in the adult frog brain.
Brain Res. 492, 389-391, 1989
Hofmann, M.H. and D.L. Meyer:
The nervus terminalis in larval and adult Xenopus laevis.
Brain Res. 498, 167-169, 1989
Wullimann, M.F. and D.L.Meyer:
Phylogeny of putative cholinergic visual pathways through the pretectum to the hypothalamus in teleost fish.
Brain Behav. Evol., 36, 14-29, 1990
von Bartheld, C.S. and D.L. Meyer:
Paraventricular organ of the lungfish Protopterus dolloi: morphology and projections of CSF-contacting neurons.
J. Comp. Neurol. 297, 410-434, 1990
von Bartheld, C.S., S.P. Collin and D.L. Meyer:
Dorsomedial telencephalon of lungfishes: a pallial or subpallial structure? Criteria based on histology, connectivity, and histochemistry.
J.Comp. Neurol. 294, 14-29, 1990
Hofmann, M.H., S.O.E. Ebbesson and D.L. Meyer:
Tectal afferents in Rana pipiens. A reassessment questioning the comparability of HRP-results.
J. Hirnforsch. 31, 337-340, 1990
Ebbesson, S.O.E., D.L. Meyer, C.R. Malz and G.T. Bazer:
Ontogeny of the olfacto-retinalis projection in Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch).
J. Exp. Zool. 257, 220-222, 1991
Hofmann, M.H. and D.L. Meyer:
Subdivision of the terminal nerve in Xenopus laevis.
J. Exp. Zool. 259, 324-329, 1991
Malz, C.R., S. Pritz and D.L. Meyer:
Retino-fugal projections in congenitally monophthalmic fish and anurans.
Cell Tissue Res. 265, 459-464, 1991
Malz, C.R., M.R. Rickmann and D. L. Meyer:
Interspecific variations of isthmo-optic projections support the parcellation theory of CNS development.
Verh. Anat. Ges. 85, 503-504, 1991
Hofmann, M.H. and D.L. Meyer:
Functional subdivisions of the olfactory system correlate with lectin-binding properties in Xenopus.
Brain Res. 564, 344-347, 1991
Wullimann, M.F., M.H. Hofmann and D.L. Meyer:
Histochemical, connectional and cytoarchitectonic evidence for a secondary reduction of the pretectum in the european eel, Anguilla anguilla: a case of parallel evolution.
Brain Behav. Evol. 38, 290-301, 1991
Wullimann, M.F., D.L. Meyer and R.G. Northcutt.
The visually related posterior pretectal nucleus in the non-percomorph teleost Osteoglossum bicirrhosum projects to the hypothalamus: a DiI study.
J. Comp. Neurol. 312, 415-435, 1991
Wullimann, M.F., M.H. Hofmann and D.L.Meyer:
The valvula cerebelli of the spiny eel, Macrognathus aculeatus, receives primary lateral-line afferents from the rostrum of the upper jaw.
Cell Tissue Res. 266, 285-293, 1991
Hofmann, M.H. and D.L. Meyer:
Peripheral origin of olfactory nerve fibers by-passing the olfactory bulb in Xenopus laevis.
Brain Res. 589, 161-163, 1992
Schaefer, K.-P. and D.L. Meyer:
Eye and head movements as specialized functions of vestibular circuits. In: Berthoz, A., W. Graf and P.P. Vidal (eds.) The Head-Neck Sensory Motor System. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, 241-243, 1992
Erdö, S.L., D.L. Meyer, C.R. Malz, M.H. Hofmann and S.O.E. Ebbesson:
Changes in ligand binding to GABAA receptor sites in pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus) brain during spawning migration and "aging".
J. Hirnforsch. 33, 467-469, 1992
Hofmann, M.H. and D.L. Meyer:
Visual-evoked responses in the salmon telencephalon change during smolt transformation.
Neurosci. Lett. 155, 234-236, 1993
Zippel, H.P., M. Hofmann, D.L. Meyer and S. Zeman:
Functional and morphological regeneration of olfactory tracts and subtracts in goldfish.
J. Comp. Physiol. A, 172, 91-99, 1993
Schober, A., C.R. Malz and D.L. Meyer:
Enzymehistochemical demonstration of nitric oxide synthase in the diencephalon of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mickiss).
Neurosci. Lett. 151, 67-70, 1993
Meyer, D.L., J. Lara, C.R. Malz and W. Graf:
Diencephalic projections to the retinae in two species of flatfishes (Scophthalmus maximus and Pleuronectes platessa).
Brain Res. 601, 308-312, 1993
Hofmann, M.H., C. Pinuela and D.L. Meyer:
Retinopetal projections from diencephalic neurons in a primitive actinopterygian fish, the sterlet Acipenser ruthenus.
Neurosci. Lett. 161, 30-32, 1993
Wullimann, M.F. and D.L. Meyer:
Possible multiple evolution of indirect telencephalo-cerebellar pathways in teleosts: studies in Carassius auratus and Pantodon buchholzi.
Cell Tissue Res. 274, 447-455, 1993
Pritz-Homeier, S., S. Hanisch, C.R. Malz, H. Michel, D.L. Meyer and A. Reichenbach:
Optic tectum in congenitally monophthalmic fishes and chicks.
J. Hirnforsch. 34, 407-415, 1993
Malz, C.R. and D.L. Meyer:
Interspecific variation of isthmo-optic projections in poikilothermic vertebrates.
Brain Res. 661, 259-264, 1994
Feyerabend, B., C.R. Malz and D.L. Meyer:
Birds that feed-on-the-wing have few isthmo-optic neurons.
Neurosci. Lett. 182, 66-68, 1994
Schober, A., D.L. Meyer and C.S. von Bartheld.
Central projections of the nervus terminalis and the nervus praeopticus in the lungfish brain revealed by nitric oxide synthase.
J. Comp. Neurol. 349, 1-19, 1994
Meyer, D.L:, C.R. Malz, M.H. Hofmann and C. Pinuela:
Centrifugal innervation of the retina in bony fishes: review of a century of research. In: Advances in Fish Biology and Fisheries, H.R. Singh. (ed.), Hindustan Publishing Corporation Delhi - Chaman Offset Printers, 215-232, 1994
Schober, A., C.R. Malz, W. Schober and D.L. Meyer:
NADPH-diaphorase in the central nervous system of the larval lamprey (Lampetra planeri).
J. Comp. Neurol. 345, 94-104, 1994
Rickmann, M., J.R. Wolff and D.L. Meyer:
Expression of S100 protein in the vestibular nuclei during compensation of unilateral labyrinthectomy symptoms.
Brain Res. 688, 8-14, 1995
Hofmann, M.H. and D.L. Meyer:
The extrabulbar olfactory pathway: Primary olfactory fibers bypassing the olfactory bulb in bony fishes?
Brain Behav. Evol. 46, 378-388, 1995
Naujoks-Manteuffel and D.L. Meyer:
Glial fibrillary acidic protein in the brain of the caecilian Typhlonectes natans (Amphibia, Gymnophiona):
an immunocytochemical study. Cell Tissue Res. 283, 51-58, 1996
Meyer, D.L., A.G. Jadhao and E. Kicliter:
Soybean agglutinin binding by primary olfactory and primary accessory olfactory projections in different frogs.
Brain Res. 722, 222-226, 1996
Meyer, D.L., C.R. Malz and A.G. Jadhao:
Nervus terminalis projection to the retina in the "four-eyed" fish Anableps anableps.
Neurosci. Lett. 213, 87-90, 1996
Meyer, D.L., A.G. Jadhao, S. Bhargava and E. Kicliter:
Bulbar representation of the "water-nose" during Xenopus ontogeny.
Neurosci. Lett. 220, 109-112, 1996
Reichenbach, A., Pritz-Hohmeier, S., H. Michel, C.R. Malz and D.L. Meyer:
LiCI-induced malformations of the eyes and the rostral CNS in Xenopus laevis.
J. Brain Res. 38, 35-45, 1997
Meyer, D.L., I.R. Fackler, A.G. Jadhao, B. D'Aniello and E. Kicliter:
Differential labelling of primary olfactory system subcomponents by SBA (lectin) and NADPH-d histochemistry in the frog Pipa.
Brain Res. 762, 275-280, 1997
Meyer, D.L. and R.K. Rastogi:
Olfaction and reproduction. In: Knobil, E. and J.D. Neill (eds.); Encyclopedia of Reproduction. Academic Press San Diego, pp. 445-456, 1998
Rastogi, R.K., D.L. Meyer, C. Pinelli, M. Fiorentino and B. D'Aniello:
Comparative analysis of GnRH neuronal systems in the amphibian brain.
Gen. Comp. Endocrinol 112, 330-345, 1998
Malz, C.R., H. Jahn and D.L. Meyer:
Centrifugal Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2-like immunoreactive innervation of the retina in a non-teleost bony fish, Lepisostens osseus.
Neurosci. Lett. 264, 33-36, 1999

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