Friday, April 9th | Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday | |
Registration | ||
19:30 | Dinner | |
21:00 | Welcome | Werner Graf |
21:15 | Introductory lecture: Spatial disorientation and vertigo in vestibular disorders | Thomas Brandt, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München |
22:00 | Gettogether drinks |
Saturday, April 10th | Friday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday | |
Session 1: Neuronal substrates of three-dimensional movement detection | ||
9:00 | Research funding by the Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) | Martin Reddington, Human Frontier Science Program, Strasbourg |
9:15 | Movement detection in three-dimensional space: the end product of multisensory integration | Werner Graf, CNRS-Collège de France, Paris |
9:45 | Cortical visual movement detection pathways and their role in maintaining heading direction | Jaak Duysens, University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen |
10:30 | Coffe | |
11.00 | Vestibular cortical projections in squirrel monkeys | Wolfgang Guldin, Freie Universität, Berlin |
11:45 | Neural correlates of short-latency disparity vergence in cortical area MST | Kenji Kawano, Electrical Engineering Lab, Tsukuba |
12:30 | Lunch | |
14:00 | The interplay between eye movements and optic flow | Bert Van den Berg, Erasmus University, Rotterdam |
14:45 | Neuronal substrates of self-motion perception in areas MST | Charles Duffy, Univ. Rochester, Rochester |
15:30 | Microstimulation in extrastriate area MST and the perception of heading in monkeys | Ken Britten, Univ. California, Davis |
16:15 | Tea/Coffee | |
16:45 | Modeling self-motion perception | Markus Lappe, Ruhr-Univ, Bochum |
17:30 | Integration of eye movement, vestibular and optic flow signals for self-motion perception | Richard Andersen, California Instit. Technol., Pasadena |
19:30 | Dinner |
Sunday, April 11th | Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday | |
Session 2: Modeling of three-dimensional movement perception | ||
9.00 | Optic flow responses in parietal cortex neurons | Frank Bremmer, Ruhr-Univ, Bochum |
9.45 | Fundamentals of modeling 3D spatial orientation | Jelte Bos, TNO, Soesterberg |
10.30 | Coffee | |
10.45 | Workshop: Theoretical and practical background of three-dimensional vestibular and optokinetic stimulation, and three-dimensional eye movement recordings | Theodore Raphan,
Brooklyn College, New York: Three-dimensional eye movements generated by the angular vestibulo-ocular reflex (aVOR). Michael Fetter, Neurology Hospital, Tübingen: Three-dimensional vestibular stimulation. Werner Graf, CNRS- Collège de France, Paris: Three- dimensional optokinetic stimulation. Douglas Tweed, London, Ontario: Noncommutativity and Listing's Law in the brain. Bernhard Hess, University Hospital, Zürich: Eye movement recording with the magnetic search coil technique. Thomas Haslwanter, University Hospital, Zürich: Video-based eye movement recording systems. |
13.00 | Lunch | |
Afternoon | Excursion to Lucca | |
20.30 | Conference Banquet |
Monday, April 12th | Friday Saturday Sunday Tuesday Wednesday | |
Session 3: Neuroimaging and mapping of cortical movement areas | ||
9.00 | Cortical contribution to spatial memory during navigation | Alain Berthoz, Collège de France, Paris |
9.45 | Motion, retinotopy and visual spatial attention | Roger Tootell, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston |
10.30 | Coffee | |
11.00 | Visual-vestibular and ocular motor interaction (PET abd fMRI studies) | Marianne Dieterich, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München |
11.45 | Human cortical areas involved in extracting 3D structure and heading direction from optic flow | Guy Orban: Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven |
12.30 | Lunch | |
14.00 | Mapping of vestibular and eye movement related cortical areas as assessed by intracerebral stimulation in humans | Philippe Kahane, University Hospital, Grenoble |
14.45 | Cortical imaging of the perception of optic flow | Anne-Lise Paradis, Serv. Hosp. F. Joliot, Orsay |
15.00 | Localization and functions of the human frontal eye fields: evidence from patient and TMS studies | Tony Ro, University College, London |
15.15 | Poster session 1 | |
19.30 | Dinner |
Tuesday, April 13th | Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Wednesday | |
Session 4: Subcortical-cortical communication | ||
9.00 | Differential activation of vestibular nucleus neurons during passive and active head movements | Robert McCrea, Univ. Chicago, Chicago |
9.45 | Possible roles of vestibular signals in visual form processing | Esther Peterhans, University Hospital, Zürich |
10.30 | Coffee | |
11.00 | Floccular control of oculomotor responses to transparent motion | Maarten Frens, Erasmus University, Rotterdam |
11.45 | Cerebro-cerebellar communication: basis of skilled movement and cognition | Peter Thier, Neurology Hospital, Tübingen |
12.30 | Lunch | |
14.00 | Poster session 2 |
19.00 | Dinner | |
Special Session: Space flight related movement perception |
20.30 | Vestibular and oculomotor function in space and on return to earth | Lawrence Young, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge |
21.15 | Spatial orientation in the microgravity environment : an astronauts experience | Jeffrey Hoffman, astronaut, NASA |
Wednesday, April 14th | Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday | |
Session 5: Perception | ||
9.00 | Stereoscopic surface perception | Marty Banks, Univ. California, Berkely |
9.45 | The perceptual consequences of Listing's Law | Tutis Vilis, Univ. Western Ontario, London |
10.30 | Coffee | |
11.00 | Space perception and cortex lesions | Theodor Landis, Univ. Geneva, Geneva |
11.45 | Evidence for visual perception and cognition in arthropods | Nicholas Strausfeld, Univ. Arizona, Tucson |
12.30 | Lunch |