
Friday, April 9th Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
19:30 Dinner
21:00 Welcome Werner Graf
21:15 Introductory lecture: Spatial disorientation and vertigo in vestibular disorders Thomas Brandt, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München
22:00 Gettogether drinks

Saturday, April 10th Friday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Session 1: Neuronal substrates of three-dimensional movement detection
9:00 Research funding by the Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) Martin Reddington, Human Frontier Science Program, Strasbourg
9:15 Movement detection in three-dimensional space: the end product of multisensory integration Werner Graf, CNRS-Collège de France, Paris
9:45 Cortical visual movement detection pathways and their role in maintaining heading direction Jaak Duysens, University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen
10:30 Coffe
11.00 Vestibular cortical projections in squirrel monkeys Wolfgang Guldin, Freie Universität, Berlin
11:45 Neural correlates of short-latency disparity vergence in cortical area MST Kenji Kawano, Electrical Engineering Lab, Tsukuba
12:30 Lunch
14:00 The interplay between eye movements and optic flow Bert Van den Berg, Erasmus University, Rotterdam
14:45 Neuronal substrates of self-motion perception in areas MST Charles Duffy, Univ. Rochester, Rochester
15:30 Microstimulation in extrastriate area MST and the perception of heading in monkeys Ken Britten, Univ. California, Davis
16:15 Tea/Coffee
16:45 Modeling self-motion perception Markus Lappe, Ruhr-Univ, Bochum
17:30 Integration of eye movement, vestibular and optic flow signals for self-motion perception Richard Andersen, California Instit. Technol., Pasadena
19:30 Dinner

Sunday, April 11th Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Session 2: Modeling of three-dimensional movement perception
9.00 Optic flow responses in parietal cortex neurons Frank Bremmer, Ruhr-Univ, Bochum
9.45 Fundamentals of modeling 3D spatial orientation Jelte Bos, TNO, Soesterberg
10.30 Coffee
10.45 Workshop: Theoretical and practical background of three-dimensional vestibular and optokinetic stimulation, and three-dimensional eye movement recordings Theodore Raphan, Brooklyn College, New York: Three-dimensional eye movements generated by the angular vestibulo-ocular reflex (aVOR).

Michael Fetter, Neurology Hospital, Tübingen: Three-dimensional vestibular stimulation.

Werner Graf, CNRS- Collège de France, Paris: Three- dimensional optokinetic stimulation.

Douglas Tweed, London, Ontario: Noncommutativity and Listing's Law in the brain.

Bernhard Hess, University Hospital, Zürich: Eye movement recording with the magnetic search coil technique.

Thomas Haslwanter, University Hospital, Zürich: Video-based eye movement recording systems.

13.00 Lunch
Afternoon Excursion to Lucca
20.30 Conference Banquet

Monday, April 12th Friday Saturday Sunday Tuesday Wednesday
Session 3: Neuroimaging and mapping of cortical movement areas
9.00 Cortical contribution to spatial memory during navigation Alain Berthoz, Collège de France, Paris
9.45 Motion, retinotopy and visual spatial attention Roger Tootell, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
10.30 Coffee
11.00 Visual-vestibular and ocular motor interaction (PET abd fMRI studies) Marianne Dieterich, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München
11.45 Human cortical areas involved in extracting 3D structure and heading direction from optic flow Guy Orban: Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven
12.30 Lunch
14.00 Mapping of vestibular and eye movement related cortical areas as assessed by intracerebral stimulation in humans Philippe Kahane, University Hospital, Grenoble
14.45 Cortical imaging of the perception of optic flow Anne-Lise Paradis, Serv. Hosp. F. Joliot, Orsay
15.00 Localization and functions of the human frontal eye fields: evidence from patient and TMS studies Tony Ro, University College, London
15.15 Poster session 1
19.30 Dinner

Tuesday, April 13th Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Wednesday
Session 4: Subcortical-cortical communication
9.00 Differential activation of vestibular nucleus neurons during passive and active head movements Robert McCrea, Univ. Chicago, Chicago
9.45 Possible roles of vestibular signals in visual form processing Esther Peterhans, University Hospital, Zürich
10.30 Coffee
11.00 Floccular control of oculomotor responses to transparent motion Maarten Frens, Erasmus University, Rotterdam
11.45 Cerebro-cerebellar communication: basis of skilled movement and cognition Peter Thier, Neurology Hospital, Tübingen
12.30 Lunch

Poster session 2

19.00 Dinner

Special Session: Space flight related movement perception

20.30 Vestibular and oculomotor function in space and on return to earth Lawrence Young, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
21.15 Spatial orientation in the microgravity environment : an astronaut’s experience  Jeffrey Hoffman, astronaut, NASA

Wednesday, April 14th Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday
Session 5: Perception
9.00 Stereoscopic surface perception Marty Banks, Univ. California, Berkely
9.45 The perceptual consequences of Listing's Law Tutis Vilis, Univ. Western Ontario, London
10.30 Coffee
11.00 Space perception and cortex lesions Theodor Landis, Univ. Geneva, Geneva
11.45 Evidence for visual perception and cognition in arthropods Nicholas Strausfeld, Univ. Arizona, Tucson
12.30 Lunch

| Cortical neuronal mechanisms and psychophysics of orientation and motion in three-dimensional space |
| Description of the meeting | Program | Abstracts | Organization | Various |